Order of Malta


Boston Area’s Advent Malta Walk


On Wednesday, December 19th, our dedicated group of Malta Walkers were joined by Order members and friends for a special Advent walk through the streets of Boston to visit with our sisters and brothers living on the margin. The Malta Walkers assembled care packages at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross and then distributed them to those in need they met that night.

A special thank you to Christopher Lee for founding this work and leading it forward; Ed Delaney and Tommy Driscoll for their dedicated service; and Ben Malec for his follow-through and commitment.

There are also many other “hands” and “feet” that faithfully support and participate in this ministry. We are especially grateful to Steve Hardy, Stephanie Babin, Patrick Dinovo, Matthew Robare, Carrie Bradley, Andrew Hollingsworth, Emily Baldoni (who now resides in Washington, DC), Ryan Cannici, Sarah Babin, Tim and Beth Fortnam, Grace O’Donovan and her NYC fiancee’ Tim McGuirk, who also happens to be a founder of Malta Walks! Truly, the dedication and faith of these young men and women inspire and invigorate our work.

We also extend thanks to Cathedral Rector Kevin O’Leary, for welcoming and supporting the Malta Walks ministry. Thank you for your prayerful support of Malta Walks and for all you do to live out our calling. Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed end to Advent and a Merry Christmas.

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522