Order of Malta


Little Sisters of the Poor: First Friday liturgy and serving lunch


Members of the Boston Area joined together for the First Friday Liturgy with the grateful residents of the Little Sisters of the Poor. The members and residents gathered together for this photo in the second floor dining room at the end of lunch as the happy residents headed off for afternoon activities!

Fr. Pat presided at Mass and extended the warmest of welcomes to all gathered in the chapel. Ray Bastarache proclaimed the readings and the prayers of the faithful. In his homily, Fr. Pat reflected on how we show our love for the Lord when we welcome all of our brothers and sisters. He also touched on the the Gospel, and how the risen Jesus asks Simon Peter three times if Peter loves him and each time after Peter responds yes, Jesus directs him to care for his sheep. A triple Trinitarian affirmation!

For the liturgy, the chapel had just over 60 in attendance with many residents, some friends, and five of the Little Sisters. Another group of 12 residents participated in the liturgy, mostly in wheelchairs, on the balcony from the floor above. At the request of residents, Eucharistic Adoration continues on Fridays right after Mass.

Lunch on Friday was tomato soup and crackers, salad bar and dinner rolls, lemon garlic fish, vegetable quiche, baked potatoes, green beans and carrots, and fruit for dessert. The residents then headed off for the usual afternoon activities including: light exercising, spinning old records, Bingo, poetry writing, and Friday humor, word games, and music!

All were encouraged to keep all the residents at the Little Sisters in our prayers, especially for the sick, that they may experience the comfort and healing of Christ the Physician…..Lord hear our prayer!

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522