Order of Malta


A Joyous Lourdes Reunion


In the aftermath of the 2019 Order of Malta Lourdes Pilgrimage, members and friends of the Boston Area and the Orange Team gathered on Cape Cod for a Sunday afternoon poolside cookout to celebrate the reunion. Craig & Nancy Gibson, Boston Area Co-Chairs, hosted the gathering. The weather was beautiful with blue skies, bright sun, gentle winds, and temps in the high seventies. The event included Malades, Caregivers, nurses, student nurses, Auxiliary, Knights, Dames, along with many family, friends, and past pilgrims.

2019 Lourdes Pilgrimage Co-Chairs, John and Nancy Murphy, made the trip again from Connecticut to join the fun. They were both delighted to be with members of the 2019 pilgrimage and to share lots of laughs and many stories. In the photo above, John Murphy is joined by Karen Deane and two Boston Area student nurses, Shannon Conley and Jillian Donovan.

It was a blessing to have St. Louis members; Jack Pohrer and Carole Less join the fun.  They have been to this Lourdes reunion event in prior years while on previous trips to visit with friends on Cape Cod. Jack and Carole arrived early and stayed until the end, taking time to catch up with all attendees!

American Association Chancellor, Ed Delaney and his wife, Kathy, made the trip down from Boston for the afternoon.  They spent the entire afternoon talking and laughing with all the pilgrims and friends, including Tom O’Brien, Carole Less, and Joe Feitelberg. They all enjoyed the relaxing afternoon and shared many heart-warming stories with others.

The Donahue family, Steve, Moreen, and Michael, from Trumbull CT, all members of the 2019 Orange Team, joined us from their weekend home in Brewster, MA. Many of you know that Michael is a very talented photographer, and certainly will remember the invaluable help that Michael provided to our security team while in Lourdes. The Donohues loved the setting and enjoyed talking with the others from the Orange Team!

Deirdre and Greg Falla, members of the Orange Team, made their way from New Britain, CT for the 2019 Lourdes Reunion. They enjoyed the great food, spent time swimming, and talked quite a bit with former Lourdes Pilgrimage Co-Chairs, Donna and Tom O’Brien. Deirdre joined the pilgrimage as a malade, with her husband Greg, as her caregiver.  Deirdre has made an amazing recovery after her return from Lourdes, and the Blessed Mother was a big part of her rebound back to much better health!  Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us!

As always, younger children were welcomed with open arms!  This year, we had children from the Cronk and Deane families. 2019 Lourdes Pilgrim, Kevin Cronk, brought his wife Rachel, a former Lourdes pilgrim, along with their two children, Connor and Maddie. Karen Deane brought two of her own children and two nieces. The photo above shows the kids having a great time jumping into the pool!  It was a very enjoyable afternoon together filled with overflowing love, grace and friendship all around!

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522