Order of Malta


Boston Area’s Year of Formation Gathering


New candidates for membership and many Boston Area members gathered together on Sunday, Sept 22, 2019 at Newton Country Day School for a preview of their Year of Formation program. The feedback has been very positive and the Boston Area candidates are now off to a great start in learning more about the Order and what to expect over the many months ahead. They were blessed to be on the campus at Newton Country Day School, with many thanks to Sr. Barbara Rogers, Head of School, for her warm and gracious hospitality.

Candidates finished with the program just in time for Mass in the school chapel. Msgr Moroney, ChD, provided a thoughtful opening prayer before the candidates then proceeded with introductions around the room with a second round of expanded introductions by the candidates.

Many of the Boston Area members came and provided witness about their own faith journey, an example of a ministry that they are involved with, and more. There was a real outpouring of the Holy Spirit and it is clear that they will repeat next year with only minor adjustments and more time needed to really provide a comprehensive overview. The candidates now know more members in the Area and feel welcomed by the local community! Candidates participating were: Ron Bleday, Dick Howley, Queenie Cheong, and Emir Roach.

Members presenting and participating during formation:

Msgr. Moroney – 4 pillars of formation

Theresa Brosnan – prison ministriesSteve Caron – The Serving Brother newsletter

Evie Caron – Cor Unum

Ed Delaney – online formation program; presented Cardinal Dolan short video

Ginny Meskell – MGH Eucharistic ministry

Cynthia Pasciuto – membership process year ahead

Damien DeVasto – recap of prior years and launch of Boston formation program

Christopher Lee – Association works and ministries

Stephanie Babin – Malta Walks

Nancy Gibson – Little Sisters

Msgr. Moroney celebrated Mass in the chapel and gave a homily on the Daily Prayer. At the opening he reminded us that “what we pray is what we believe. And that it is informative, especially for those beginning formation, to spend some time listening to what we say to God in our daily prayer, to understand what the Order of St. John of Jerusalem is really all about.” Msgr. Moroney wrapped up his homily making mention of the “four ways we can secure the strength we need to carry our God’s work.” In closing, he affirmed that we have been chosen by God for holy work out in the world, “May we who pray this prayer be like John the Baptist, ever pointing beyond ourselves and our daily concerns to the source of all meaning: to the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. Amen.” Click here for a link to his homily.

At the end of Mass, Nancy led us in reciting the updated Daily Prayer and then we recognized Paul Hanley with his 15 year anniversary pin.

Sr. Rogers, expressed appreciation to all in the chapel, and received our applause and thanks, then joined us and stayed a full hour talking with everyone at the reception.

Almost all joined us for the reception afterwards with plenty to eat and drink, lots of wonderful conversations and excellent feedback from all. This gathering sets a terrific foundation for all further formation activities with our new candidates, sponsors, members, friends and our beloved chaplains.


Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522