Order of Malta


Northeast Florida Area Attends Canonical Coronation of Our Lady of La Leche


On Sunday, October 10th, members of the Florida – Northeast Area assisted with the Canonical Coronation of Our Lady of La Leche at the Cathedral in St. Augustine, Florida, America’s first parish. The Area was entrusted with custody and procession of the newly crowned image from the Cathedral to the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche.  

At the Shrine, the image was processed about the grounds for public veneration before being enthroned by the attending Knights in her place in the Historic Chapel. The Coronation was performed by Papal Legate Cardinal Osoro Sierra, Archbishop of Madrid, acting on behalf of Pope Frances, in both the Coronation Mass and the Procession at the Shrine.

The next day, on the Feast Day of Our Lady of La Leche, the Area made a special presentation at the Enthronement Mass of the “Order of Malta Golden Pilgrim Rose” that will reside permanently with the crowned image of Our Lady. The Rose was specially crafted in Madrid for this Coronation on behalf of the Northeast Florida Area.

We will retrieve the Rose at times for procession with our Area on Pilgrimage. Our upcoming Baby Steps Camino™, in December, will be the first pilgrimage to the Shrine with the newly crowned image, and we will re-present the Rose to her upon arrival at the Shrine. If you would like to attend this upcoming pilgrimage, please click here

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522