Order of Malta


Update on Pen Pal Program From Steve Hawkins, KM


The Pen Pal Program for the American Association has continued to flourish adding nearly 30 new partnerships between insiders and outsiders over the last couple months and facilitating our third largest monthly volume of letters to date. While most institutions remain in lockdown due to COVID restrictions, letters continue to be a critical means of communicating, so essential to the mental and spiritual wellbeing of those we serve. A recent letter from Keith, an insider serving time at the U.S. Penitentiary in Atlanta, wrote to Susan, his outside pen pal: “these letters provide a brief escape from the daily grind of jail. From Susan, “one lesson that I have learned; many inmates made a decision to make better choices, because someone on the outside cared about them as a person.”

What pen pals do isn’t extraordinary! But when done with extraordinary love, it has a profound impact on the participants both inside and outside. In that same letter to Susan, Keith also wrote: “I’m sorry to hear about your son battling pancreatic cancer. I will certainly pray for him and all of your family (including you) as you pass through this trying time.”  For Susan, that may have been the most appreciated support she has had in her families struggles.  

We currently have over 100 insiders awaiting someone on the outside to write to. If you or someone in your Area, or in your parish, or wider local community can spend twenty minutes each month communicating with an insider, please share our opportunity with them! Click here for more information.

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522