Order of Malta


Connecticut Area Members Meet Tibeha Williams Bane of Women Against Mass Incarceration


Connecticut – SWN Area members who participate in the Prison Ministry’s PenPal program met with Tiheba Williams Bain, founder and Executive Director of Women Against Mass Incarceration (WAMI). WAMI is a non-profit organization working to empower women, girls, and families who have been directly or indirectly justice-impacted, affected by incarceration, trauma-survived, or seeking support.

Through WAMI’s re-entry work, advocacy, and political education their aim is to educate, elevate and empower women, girls, and the community and keep women out of prison.

Tiheba is joyful, dedicated, and an impressive person who has opened her arms wide to the call God has for her life. The discussion centered around how big and complex the call is to serve incarcerated women, formerly incarcerated women, and the community.

The Connecticut Area plans to partner with WAMI to serve women who are and have been incarcerated through a number of hands-on initiatives, such as postcard writing and packing up care kits to be distributed in the women’s correctional facilities. 

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522