Order of Malta

Pilgrimage Reflection

Through the World, Into the desert, Up to Jerusalem

Three days. A scriptural device, a Biblical type. So many profound events, so many profound meanings, revealed in the context of three days. Our three days on the Camino are a tiny imitation of the life of Christ, by whose example we hope to taste salvation.  

Day 1

Day 1 we walk in the world. Through the streets of town onto the beach lined with hotels, condos, homes, businesses—a familiar backdrop to our daily lives, though softened by the expansive sky and the rhythm of the waves. Gradually these lingering sentinels of civilization fade to the background as we walk, acclimate and pray.

Day 2

Day 2 we enter the GTM Reserve, through miles of pristine beach, unmolested dunes, unbroken vistas.  This day we walk in the wilderness, devoid of the worldly distractions of Day 1. Here the landscape is conducive to silence and contemplation, self-examination and Penance. On this day the pilgrim has pushed through the novelty of the undertaking and is down to the hard work of Pilgrimage.

Day 3

Day 3 sees us re-enter the world, but a changed world. The pace and the pulse quicken as anticipation for our destination impels us on. Today it is up, up to Jerusalem! The strain continues but is tempered by the serenity of sacrifice, the comfort of fellowship, the joy of Faith. As we draw nearer the Shrine, we begin to comprehend the fruits of our efforts, physical and spiritual. Entering the Sacred Acre we are flush with the sense of fulfillment, even transformation, sublimely prepared to present ourselves and our intentions at the feet of Our Lady.  

Though we travel together, share, pray together and support each other, it is still a singular and personal encounter for each Pilgrim. We each build our own individual three-day event, with its unique private meaning; our own personal pilgrimage through the world, out of the wilderness, and up to Jerusalem.

For more detailed information, please visit www.babystepscamino.com.

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522