Order of Malta

Boston Area News

Techniques for Effective Proclaiming: Speaking Skills to Bring God’s Word to Life on October 6th

September 23, 2021
This workshop will focus on ensuring the lector is practically and spiritually prepared to serve in this ministry. Read More

“Make Me a Channel of Your Peace” St. Francis of Assisi Live Panel on October 3rd

September 10, 2021
Join us for this special live discussion for one of our most cherished saints. Read More

The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist on September 28th

September 10, 2021
This event will be hosted by Msgr. William P. Fay. Read More

Boston Area’s Special Speaker Event: Eight Doors to the Kingdom September 18th

August 19, 2021
This online event with Father Jacques Philippe will help us all to better understand the Beatitudes. Read More

Boston Area Workshop Offers Practical and Spiritual Guidance

August 6, 2021
Preparing Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Read More

Boston Area Celebrates Nativity of Saint John the Baptist with Four Liturgies

June 27, 2021
Members celebrated this feast day in Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Cape Cod, and in Boston. Read More

Striving To Be First Class Members of the Third Class

June 25, 2021
Boston Area Holds Final Guided Discussion on Spiritual Initiative Series Read More

Boston Area Interactive Discussion on Fall/Winter Spiritual Initiative Continues

June 4, 2021
Join this Zoom meeting led by Msgr. James P. Moroney, ChM. Read More

Understanding Eucharistic Prayers as an Expression of Faith

May 21, 2021
The Boston Area wrapped up the Year of the Eucharist Workshop Series with their 3rd session. Read More

Spiritual Growth Is Not an Accident: A Discussion on Module 5 of the Spiritual Initiative

May 21, 2021
Spiritual Growth Is Not an Accident! Read about Msgr. James P. Moroney's discussion on the Fall/Winter Spiritual Initiative. Read More

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522