Order of Malta

Boston Area News

Boston Area Members Take Part in 2019 Ordination Mass at Cathedral of the Holy Cross

June 5, 2019
An experience full of tradition, meaning, faith, and a lifetime commitment! Read More

Boston Members Take Part in 2019 Chrism Mass at Cathedral of the Holy Cross

May 21, 2019
The Annual Chrism Mass is held in Boston each year during Holy Week. Read More

2019 Boston Area Lourdes Pilgrims gather for Orientation

April 25, 2019
Read more about the Boston Area's orientation for the 2019 Pilgrimage to Lourdes. Read More

Boston Area Members Watch Movie “Unplanned”

April 17, 2019
This movie is about the transformation of Planned Parenthood's youngest executive director to an outspoken pro-life witnesses. Read More

Boston Area Malta Walks for the Homeless

April 5, 2019
Every other week, members meet to assemble and distribute care packages for the homeless. Read More

An Update on the Dismas Home of New Hampshire

April 2, 2019
This Dismas Home provides a safe environment for women released from prison. Read More

Boston Area Lenten Gathering

April 1, 2019
Close to 60 local members joined together for a reflection, Mass, anniversary awards, and a reception. Read More

Boston Area Members Feeding the Hungry at Cor Unum

March 15, 2019
About 100 guests enjoyed a warm meal and the company of volunteers on this cold March evening. Read More

Boston Area’s First Friday with Little Sisters of the Poor

March 4, 2019
Members joined together with the always grateful residents of the Little Sisters of the Poor. Read More

Boston Area Hosts Frà Alessandro de Franciscis “Cures and Miracles in Lourdes”

March 1, 2019
Frà Alessandro spoke about his experiences with healing, miracles and whole-person care. Read More

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522