About the Order The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and Malta is one of the oldest institutions of Western and Christian civilization. The 13,500 Knights and Dames remain true to its principles – nurturing, witnessing and protecting the faith and serving the poor and the sick.
The American Association Founded in 1927 as the first association of the Order of Malta in the Americas, the association is headquartered in New York City with over 2,000 Knights, Dames and volunteers in over 30 Areas working with the poor, sick, and incarcerated and giving witness to the Catholic faith.
Spirituality Knights and Dames join the Order of Malta to pursue their spiritual growth over a path laid out by Blessed Gerard more than nine hundred years ago, seeking to nurture and witness the Faith and assist the sick and the poor.
Spirituality in Action Members are involved in hands-on work at over 100 hundred organizations, including food banks, hospitals, pregnancy support centers, homeless shelters and mentoring programs for at risk children.
Donations & Payments You can make a donation, pay your Annual Contribution as a member, purchase a Mass Card, register for AmazonSmile, and more. Be sure to review the Association’s Privacy Policy and Account Agreement.
An Area Knight and Dame have hosted this very special event since 2014. Malades and caregivers who are unable to attend the annual Lourdes Pilgrimage can experience “Lourdes in a Day” at the St. Peter Claver Church in West Hartford. The Day includes Reconciliation, Rosary, Washing with Grotto water, Anointing Mass, Adoration and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament including Benediction by ChC, ChD, and multiple clergy. A Knight, who helps there, brings back the Lourdes Grotto water from the Association Pilgrimage.
Between 15 and 20 Knights, Dames, and Auxiliary provide Malades and their caregivers with the opportunity to receive the sacraments and join in prayer and spiritual growth. Inspirational talks are very well received during the bag lunches for over the 175 guests who participate. The project is partially supplemented by an Association local project grant.
An Area Dame is a social worker and caregiver by career. She is trained on the St. Bernadette Ministry to serve those who are near or at the end of life, the frail elderly, or individuals who are experiencing loss of dignity. This new ministry is a Christian response to the culture of death, physician assisted suicide and euthanasia, loss of dignity and denial of personhood.
The focus of this ministry is journaling the autobiography of the terminally ill prose in the storyteller’s own words, in particular our Malades, Malades-in-spirit, or members. Everyone has a beautiful story to tell and to share life’s wisdom. My Life Story: A Legacy Project is a way to remember and be remembered. This legacy document is for them to share with and leave for their family and friends.
Area Knights, Dames, Affiliates, and volunteers have committed to feeding the needy located at 12 Montauk Ave, in New London, partially supplemented from Association grants. The originating past Area Chair had purchased the food and supplies at a local discount store to create seasonal menus for many years on 5th Malta Mondays. This year, the Malta Meals group will collaborate with parishioners from Christ the King Church, in Old Lyme. Our Area will provide a stipend and workers on each 5th Monday of 2025. The Area Hospitaller also participates with the Outreach Team at the ChD’s St. Patrick Church in Mystic to similarly prepare monthly meals and other food assistance at the same Center. Both crews transport to, prepare, and serve the dinners at the Center including clean-up. The 150 clients, shelter guests, and very dedicated shelter staff express their sincerest gratitude consistently with genuine “Thank You”.
Helping to feed New Haven’s poor and homeless is slated to be a 4-6 time per year event to prepare food for Amistad Catholic Worker (New Haven). This is our Order of Malta collaboration with members of the ecclesial movement Communion and Liberation. A new Knight is responsible for this group. The two groups prepare food at St. Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church (New Haven). Current scheduling is set for April, June, August, October and December.
The Area supports several facilities throughout CT for many years. A few Area Knights help three St. Vincent de Paul Places in Norwich, Middletown and Waterbury. An Associate serves as Board Chair at one of the centers. A Knight raises substantial funds for the Norwich location with an annual concert at St. Patrick Cathedral, Norwich on Palm Sunday evening. An Associate supports the needy and abused at the impressive Cornerstone Foundation with a small Association grant for the kitchen and cupboard as well as other services in Vernon.
The Partner to Grow Community Garden at the local Valley Shore YMCA in Westbrook helps to feed the needy at the Shoreline Pantry while providing the opportunity for volunteers of all ages to learn about green crops and work together to provide fresh produce. An Area Knight works weekly with volunteers on Monday afternoons from spring ground-breaking through peak summer harvests to fall shutdown. Cleaned and packaged perishable vegetables are delivered early Tuesday at St. Mark Church. The garden has delivered 26,200 lbs. of fresh vegetables weekly since 2014 with annual generous Association grants.
All pregnancy centers face strong opposition in CT. A few Knights and Dames support an essential center at Saint Gianna’s in New Haven. It is a compassionate and supportive environment that offers free pregnancy testing, consulting, free ultrasounds, referrals as well as maternity and baby supplies. In addition, we offer education in prenatal development, childbirth, and care as well as referrals for adoption and post abortion programs. The Area contributes grant funds to maintain the Center’s Van Services.
An Auxiliary is one of the leaders of the annual Malta Camp USA. It is built on the belief that every person is wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) and deserving of a community that fully loves and accepts them exactly as they are! He participates in annual planning, fundraising, and at the camp each summer. Malta Camp USA provides a robust life-long community supporting our Guests with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
In this community, Guests with disabilities and volunteers participate side-by-side as peers, affirming each other’s dignity – while having a blast at the same time! Through friendship, they build up and empower everyone in our camp family to take on new challenges and embrace their authentic selves.
Members contact the Hospital Foundation to obtain Advent Christmas tree gift tags for several parishes throughout the Area. The front of the tag illustrates delivering life, hope, and peace from photos of families and babies and with hospital story on the back. This is an extremely important ministry to provide funds for the hospital and mobile van during the distress in the Palestinian West Bank war zone. The generous parish donations are critical to ensuring that the Foundation can continue to support the excellent work of Holy Family Hospital, that forever changes the lives of Bethlehem families, mothers, and babies. Over 100,000 babies have been born at the Order of Malta NICU since St. John Paul II entrusted their care to the Order of Malta in 1989. Area Knights attend the annual brunch after the Investiture.
Member Knights are on the Board of Holy Apostles College & Seminar in Cromwell. A weekly lecture series is offered by the college from 6-7PM on key components of the Faith. The Apostles Creed was presented to 40-50 weekly attendees by the academic staff, including an Area Associate PhD over 13 weeks. The lectures were very warmly received. An Area Knight supports the series with promotional and lecture materials as well coordination of Zoom and onsite logistics. The next series will be launched in the spring of 2025 on the Sacraments at no cost.
This ministry began in 2008 and will be renewed in 2025 to provide Faith to women at the Janet York Correctional Facility in Niantic and other CT facilities in dire need. Each year, several Knights, Dames, and Auxiliary assist at monthly Mass, provide weekly Bible studies, and conduct retreat days, all on the York campus. The Area has hosted several keynote speakers with powerful ministry leadership for years in CT and RI to expand it into the Hartford Diocese with new member support in 2025. A Knight and Associate contribute to the Prison Pals project too.
American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522