Order of Malta

New York City Area

We are served by the Archbishop of New York, Timothy M. Cardinal Dolan, Grand Cross Conventual Chaplain ad honorem of the Order, who is also the Principal Chaplain of the American Association.

The Order of Malta is a lay religious order of the Roman Catholic Church with 13,000 members and relief operations worldwide. Today, as at its founding over 900 years ago, the Order is foremost a Hospitaller Order, with members personally providing hands-on assistance to the sick and the poor. The Order traces its origins to the creation of a hospital in Jerusalem in the 1070s to care for pilgrims to the Holy Land, predating the Crusades.

The Order assumed its military role in the twelfth century as its members, who were also knights, provided armed protection for pilgrims and the defense of the new Christian Kingdom against Muslim attacks. Today, the mission of the Order is to give glory to God by promoting the spiritual well-being of its members and providing assistance to the sick and the poor. Knights and Dames of the Order are also charged with the responsibility of defending the Faith.

The New York City Area is comprised of 4 of the City’s 5 boroughs: Manhattan, Staten Island, Brooklyn and Queens. It also bridges both the Archdiocese of New York and the Diocese of Brooklyn & Queens. The New York City Area currently has approximately 180 Knights and Dames. Each year in late May, a reception is held for prospective new candidates considering membership in the Order. Members are encouraged to propose individuals to be invited.

Because NYC is the workplace for many Knights and Dames in the Tri-State area, commuting Knights and Dames are always welcome to join us for monthly Masses and volunteer activities. The NYC Area also has a very active Auxiliary Corps, who are not members but who participate in our works and activities.

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522