Order of Malta

Dallas Area News

Dallas Area Members Host Catholic Students at Southern Methodist University

November 15, 2023
This has become a well-received tradition. Read More

Dallas Area Prepares Easter Baskets for Missionaries of Charity

April 27, 2023
This effort allowed 20 large families in a depressed area of Dallas to have an Easter feast. Read More

Dallas Area Celebrates Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes 

February 23, 2023
Members celebrated Mass, followed by breakfast and their annual business meeting. Read More

Dallas Area Helps St. Jude Center Residents Celebrate Christmas

December 22, 2022
This is the 4th year that members have sponsored St. Jude Center’s Christmas gifts. Read More

Dallas Area Hosts Catholic Students at Southern Methodist University

November 16, 2022
Members host this event twice a year and it is very well received by the students. Read More

Dallas Area’s Vespers for the Feast of Blessed Gerard

October 21, 2022
Members welcomed members of the Venerable Order and the Johanniter Order. Read More

Dallas Area Hosts Catholic Students at Southern Methodist University

May 25, 2022
Knights and Dames attended Mass before hosting a dinner and discussion about the Order of Malta. Read More

Dallas Area Hosts “The Fight Against Human Trafficking”

May 19, 2022
Knights and Dames attended Mass followed by a dinner and the presentation at Park City Club of Dallas. Read More

Dallas Area Prepares Easter Baskets for Missionaries of Charity

April 21, 2022
This effort allowed 20 large families to have an Easter feast. Read More

Dallas Area Helps St. Jude Center Residents Celebrate Christmas

January 4, 2022
2021 marks the 3rd consecutive year that the Dallas Area has participated in this celebration. Read More

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522