Order of Malta

American Association Prison Ministry News


A Surprise Pen Pal Assignment Brings Joy

September 29, 2020
Sometimes, how God calls us to use His gifts can be very different from what we expect. Read More

Prison Ministry Launches Email Newsletter

September 29, 2020
The newsletter is designed to provide insights into Area programs; member involvement; and, the impact of the many and varied programs on those being served. Read More

Hope, Care, and Christ’s Love

August 24, 2020
A Minnesotan Member’s Experience with the Pen Pal Program Read More

Bringing Bibles and Faith Formation to Hispanic Communities in Prisons

August 24, 2020
Many of us take for granted that we own a Bible, written in our native language. Read More

Driving to Prison, Flying Home

August 24, 2020
Listening, Providing Hope, and Growing in the Spirit Read More

Statement of Solidarity: A Catholic Response to COVID-19 Behind Bars

May 26, 2020
This statements offers Pope Francis' reminder that there are no 'throwaway lives.' Read More

American Association Provides Bibles and Prayer Books to Prisoners: Evangelization in Action

May 1, 2020
Read more about the history and future of the American Association's Prison Ministry program. Read More
october spiritual outreach call rosary

October 2019 American Association Prison Ministry Announcement

October 18, 2019
Inmates in prisons from across the country are invited to say the rosary each evening as part of the Evening Rosary of Common Petition. Read More

North American Prison Ministry Apostolate and Gatekeepers

September 11, 2019
Gatekeepers is a non-profit that helps people released from prison reintegrate into society. Read More

Boston Area Prison Ministry at MCI Norfolk

August 7, 2019
The local Prison Ministry group met for Sunday liturgy and fellowship with the prisoners. Read More

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522