Order of Malta


Northeast Wisconsin Area Serves Pilgrim at National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help


A primary work of the American Association’s Northeast Wisconsin Area is to serve pilgrims who visit the National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help in Champion on the last Saturday of every month for Mass, Confession, and a Eucharistic Healing Service. Members provide hospitality, greeting pilgrims and directing first-time visitors; lead the Rosary; serve and lector at Mass; and provide a complimentary lunch. The Order of Malta Tri-Association First Aid Center is also open and staffed to serve pilgrims in need.

On the cold and blustery last Saturday in January, new Area members were joined by members of the Western and Federal Associations, working side-by-side on this important work. This was the first time all three Associations were represented on this project to serve at the Shrine’s last Saturday Mass and Eucharistic Healing Service.

Given the weather, Area Co-Chair, Walt Fountain, expressed wonder that so many people braved the weather and challenging driving conditions. People came from the local area and neighboring states, with the Shrine welcoming 110 pilgrims who attended the January event. Twenty-one pilgrims received the Sacrament of the Anointing and members of the Order served lunch to 90 pilgrims.

When all was said and done, new Area members expressed gratitude, joy, and enthusiasm over the delightful experience of working alongside our Tri-Association conferrers and everyone looks forward to future opportunities to do so. We extend a warm welcome to members of all three Associations and hope those who are able to join us in this rewarding work will be on hand to help serve the pilgrims in the months to come.

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522