Order of Malta

Respect Life

All Knights and Dames of the Order of Malta are called to defend the faith, “tuitio fidei”. One of the greatest attacks on the faith in our lifetime is the assault on the dignity and respect for human life. Our faith clearly states that all human life is to be respected from the moment of conception until natural death. Sadly, society is increasingly ignoring this most fundamental call to the detriment of the most vulnerable among us and tainting our entire culture.

This section exists to provide members of the Order of Malta with up to date information and resources so that each one of us and the Order as The Body of Christ are able and encouraged to engage in this most important ministry. 

General Resources for Life

Catholic Medical Association  www.cathmed.org

Christ Medicus www.christmedicus.org

The National Catholic Bioethics Center  www.ncbcenter.org

National Center on Sexual Exploitation  www.endsexualexploitation.org

de Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture  www.ethicscenter.nd.edu

Sisters of Life  www.sistersoflife.org

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops  www.usccb.org

Members can click here to log in and view a complete listing of pro-life activities in our Spirituality in Action Resource Book.

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522