Order of Malta

Naples Area News

Naples Area November 2020 Newsletter

November 12, 2020
Read about the Area's First Friday Mass and Dinner, member anniversaries, and more. Read More

Naples Area October 2020 Newsletter

October 15, 2020
An update from the Florida - Naples Area on their latest news, recent events, and more. Read More

Naples Area Helps in a Time of Need

April 21, 2020
Members donated to the Meals of Hope Food Pantry, where they volunteer regularly. Read More

Naples Area April Newsletter

April 8, 2020
The Naples Area highlights the new coronavirus-related initiatives local members are participating in. Read More

Naples Area March Newsletter

March 11, 2020
March's issue highlights this month's First Friday Mass, which included over 70 attendees, and other news from the Naples Area. Read More

Naples Area February 2020 Newsletter

February 13, 2020
February's issue highlights the Naples Area's recent min-retreat and important information regarding upcoming local activities. Read More

Naples Area January 2020 Newsletter

January 10, 2020
Read more about the members of the Naples Area and their local activities. Read More

Naples Area celebrates the World Day of the Poor

December 2, 2019
Members distributed fresh food and weekend food bags to those in need in the Naples Area. Read More

Naples Area November Newsletter

November 7, 2019
The November edition of the Area newsletter highlights the latest First Friday Mass and Dinner and upcoming local events.  Read More

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522