Order of Malta

Naples Area Spirituality in Action

Community Pregnancy Clinics, Inc.

These clinics provide unwavering support for mothers facing unplanned pregnancies. Services include counseling, ultrasounds, abortion pill rescue, adoption information, baby food and clothing, equipment and
maternity clothing.

Eucharistic Ministry to the Homebound

Members provide the Eucharist and communion service to the home-bound in the Naples Area as well as shut-ins at a local retirement community.

Hope for Haiti Volunteering

Hope for Haiti is an international development organization that has been working in Haiti for 28 years. Founded by JoAnne Kuehner, DM, in 1989, this organization partners with private donors to create community-based sustainable change through a grassroots approach.

Meals of Hope (Mobile Food Pantry)

Meals of Hope provides food for individuals and families who need such assistance. Local members volunteer at this mobile food pantry every month when it is parked at a low income housing development near downtown Naples.

Naples Lion Clubs Free Eye Clinic

This clinic supports over 2,000 eye screenings at community and day centers annually, as well as referring or providing free care to those in need. Payments can also be arranged through the clinic for eye surgery for indigent residents of Collier County. The clinic also utilizes advanced technology to discover “Lazy Eye” in preschool children, photography for diabetic retinopathy, and provides special scholarships for student nurses.

Power Pack Weekend Food Ministry

Members pack special food bags for over 250 poor elementary school children, who are on the free meal program in school, to take home with them so that they have food over the weekend.

Prison Ministry

Local Knights and Dames coordinate Catholic Prison Ministry activities at the Naples Jail for male and female inmates. They hold prayer services, give out communion and hand out weekly prayers that encourage reading of the Bible daily. They also coordinate the provision of Bibles and other devotional materials and spiritual support from the American Association for inmates throughout the Diocese of Venice.

Respect Life Ministry

Members pray the rosary in front of Planned Parenthood at the corner of Creech Road and Godlette Frank in Naples every Monday morning at 8:45AM.

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522