Order of Malta

New Jersey Area News

New Jersey Area Attends Chrism Mass

April 20, 2023
Local members were honored to lead the Entrance Procession for the Mass. Read More

New Jersey Area Attends Mass and Procession for Life

March 30, 2023
Bishop Saporito led everyone in a Eucharistic Procession. Read More

New Jersey Area’s Work at Mercy House

March 30, 2023
The Mercy House provides food, clothes, household accessories, and spiritual help to those in need. Read More

New Jersey Area’s Lenten Day of Reflection

March 22, 2023
Members were led by Area Chaplain Fr. Bismarck Chau. Read More

New Jersey Area Packs Supplies for Earthquake Victims

February 23, 2023
Members of the Turkish Consulate General in New York visited the site to thank volunteers for their efforts. Read More

New Jersey Area’s “How We Live the Miracle of Lourdes Every Day” for Feast Day

February 15, 2023
This was a wonderful opportunity for all to dedicate a meditation and devotion to the Mother of Christ. Read More

New Jersey Area’s Advent Day of Reflection

December 15, 2022
Members attended this annual event at St. Michael's Church. Read More

New Jersey Area’s Malta Mobile Van Ministry

November 18, 2022
The New Jersey Area's Malta Mobile Van has been quite busy serving those in need throughout the state.  Read More

New Jersey Area Receives Bishop’s Award at Caritas Gala

November 16, 2022
Accepting the award were the New Jersey Area Co-Chairs. Read More

New Jersey Area Hosts Annual Mass & Meeting

November 16, 2022
The day began with Mass at the Church of  Our Lady of Mount Virgin in Middlesex. Read More

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522