Order of Malta

New Jersey Area News

New Jersey Area Members Service Meals at The Center in Asbury Park

October 21, 2022
The Center provides support services for people living with HIV/AIDS. Read More

New Jersey Members Participate in Centennial Celebrations of Queen of Peace Parish

September 28, 2022
For the past 15 years, many Order of Malta events have been held at Queen of Peace Parish. Read More

New Jersey Area Observes Feast of Our Lady of Philermo

September 15, 2022
Members attended an evening service, which consisted of a Vesperal Liturgy. Read More

New Jersey Area Hosts Auxiliary BBQ

August 9, 2022
Current and prospective Auxiliary members gathered together to learn about the Order. Read More

New Jersey Area Members Visit San Jose Clinic in Guatemala

July 20, 2022
The clinic meets the medical and dental needs of poor rural families in Pastores. Read More

New Jersey Area’s Bob and Sue Sameth Honored in Patterson Diocese

July 8, 2022
They were recognized for their continuing efforts through their Backpack Ministry. Read More

New Jersey Area Mass and Order of Malta Mobile Van Display

April 27, 2022
Area members gathered together for a Mass, reception, and display of the new Order of Malta Mobile Van. Read More

New Jersey – Paterson Diocese Bishop Kevin Sweeney visits Morris County Correctional Facility

April 26, 2022
Paterson Diocese Bishop Kevin Sweeney visits Morris County Correctional Facility to celebrate Palm Sunday. Read More

New Jersey Area Sponsors Life and Impact of Archbishop Fulton Sheen Event

April 12, 2022
This event was presented by Msgr. Hilary Franco, former secretary to Archbishop Sheen. Read More

New Jersey Area’s Auxiliary Action

March 15, 2022
The New Brunswick Homeless Helpers collect donations for homeless people in the area. Read More

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522