Order of Malta

New York City Area News

NYC Area’s Brown Bag Project

March 28, 2022
Members packaged brown bags with a sandwich, juice, a protein bar, and fruit for the NY Common Pantry. Read More

New York City Area & Subpriory of Our Lady of Lourdes Celebrate Feast Day

February 14, 2022
Members celebrated at the Church of St. Francis of Assisi. Read More

New York City Area Hosts Christmas Party at TCC

December 16, 2021
Residents enjoyed an afternoon filled with Christmas music, holiday sweets, and fellowship. Read More

New York City Area Advent Reflection

December 16, 2021
Members celebrated Mass on the Feast of Saint Nicholas. Read More

NYC Area NewsFlash November 2021

November 10, 2021
NYC Area Welcomes New Members Read More

NYC and Westchester Areas Celebrate Feast of St. John the Baptist

June 29, 2021
Over 50 members from both Areas celebrated this feast day with a Mass and Reception Read More

NYC Area Vaccinates 25 Individuals at PACE Center

April 9, 2021
This effort, in conjunction with Malteser International Americas and Archcare, will continue over the next 8-10 weeks. Read More

NYC Area Prepares to Return to TCC & Mary Manning Walsh Home

March 30, 2021
Members of the NYC Area prepared Easter and Passover cards for the residents. Read More

NYC Area Members Give Christmas Gifts to TCC Residents

December 23, 2020
Although unable to host the annual Christmas party, NYC Area "elves" put together gifts for the residents. Read More

NYC Area’s Malta Walks Continue

October 13, 2020
Volunteers continue to gather on a weekly basis to help the homeless on the streets of Manhattan. Read More

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522