Order of Malta

Order of Malta Area Grants Program

To help accomplish the Order’s mission to defend the faith and serve the poor and the sick, the American Association extends grants annually to tax exempt organizations in which our members participate by volunteering their time and services. Each year, the Malta Human Services Foundation donates money to be used solely for the American Association’s Grant Program.  The amount of their donation is based on 5% of the Malta Human Services Foundation’s investments average market value over the past 5 years.

The allocation of the grant monies are determined by the American Association’s Board of Councillors.  Traditionally, those monies have been divided between:

  • the official international works of the Order (Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem and Malteser International),
  • the only official work of the American Association, The Prison Ministry Program, and
  • the Association’s Areas, in order for them to distribute to other non-profit organizations within their regions that are helping the sick and the poor and in which their members are volunteering their time and talent.

The allocation of funds to each of the Associations Areas is determined by the number of members in each Area who have paid their annual contribution by January 31st. Grant applications are distributed to other non-profit organizations at the discretion of each Area and then are returned to the Areas for their review and consideration.  Each Area Chair appoints a Grant Committee within their Area to review and recommend which grant applicants should be awarded a grant and the amount to be awarded.

Members should click here to log into the Members Only section of the website to learn more about the current Area Grants Program. Please note that members must be actively involved in the organizations applying for an American Association Grant.

If you have any questions, please contact the NY Office at (212) 371-1522.

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522