Order of Malta

Fall/Winter Spiritual Initiative

The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta has enriched the spirituality of thousands of people throughout the centuries. The humanitarian acts performed by members of the Order serve as prime examples of what it is to be Disciples of Christ. We do this by following the teaching of the Gospels. We gain inspiration to continue to carry out our ministries and we enrich our spirituality through readings and/or reflections or meditations presented by our spiritual leaders and chaplains.

The program consists of six modules that will help you enrich your faith and give you insight into the unique spirituality of the Order of Malta. To view the Regulations and Commentary, please click here to sign in as a member and visit the “Reference Materials” page.

Module One: The Universal Call to the People of God and the Special Vocation Into the Sovereign Military Order of Malta

Presented by Msgr. Dennis Sheehan

Module Two: The Charism of the Order Of Malta (Tuitio Fidei et Obsequium Pauperum)

Presented by Rev. Joseph Cavoto

Module Three: Fundamental Considerations for All Members of the Order

Presented by Fr. Joseph Johnson

Module Four: Fundamental Considerations for Members of the Third Class

Presented by Bishop Frank Caggiano

Module Five: Regulations for Members of the Third Class

Presented by Very Rev. David Caron, OP

Module Six: Admission to the Third Class and Regulations Regarding the Principal Functions of Priories and Associations Towards the Members

Presented by Msgr. Frank Caldwell

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522