Order of Malta

Spiritual Outreach Calls

The Spiritual Outreach Calls provide a message primarily intended for those who may have difficulty getting to Association events; but, the message is valid, current and inspirational for all. Our Spiritual Outreach Calls are recorded and uploaded to the website within one week. Please use the sidebar on the right to listen to past calls.

How to Listen to a Live Spiritual Outreach Call

1) At approximately 10:55 AM ET, you should dial the conference call number: 1-800-442-5794
2) You will be asked to enter the passcode: Dial the following: 656886#

    Date/Time Event
    11:00 am Spiritual Outreach Calls
    Spiritual Outreach Call: What Happened at the Transfiguration?

    Hosted by Most Reverend Paul Sanchez, ChC

    At approximately 10:55AM, dial 1-800-442-5794. When prompted, enter pass code 656886#. 

    Listen to Previous Calls & View Our Call Calendar

    All Spiritual Outreach Calls are recorded and uploaded to the website within one week. Click here to listen to previous Spiritual Outreach Calls and view our calendar of all upcoming calls.

    If you have our mobile app downloaded and notifications turned on, we’ll be sending out a notification right before the call begins as a final reminder. To learn more about our mobile app and push notifications, click here.

    11:00 am Spiritual Outreach Calls
    Spiritual Outreach Call: Why Did the Blessed Mother Choose St. Bernadette in Lourdes?

    Hosted by Rev. Philip-Michael Tangorra, ChD

    At approximately 10:55AM, dial 1-800-442-5794. When prompted, enter pass code 656886#. 

    Listen to Previous Calls & View Our Call Calendar

    All Spiritual Outreach Calls are recorded and uploaded to the website within one week. Click here to listen to previous Spiritual Outreach Calls and view our calendar of all upcoming calls.

    If you have our mobile app downloaded and notifications turned on, we’ll be sending out a notification right before the call begins as a final reminder. To learn more about our mobile app and push notifications, click here.

    11:00 am Spiritual Outreach Calls
    Spiritual Outreach Call: The Apparition of the Blessed Mother to Adele in Champion

    Hosted by Rev. Msgr. Robert Dempsey, ChM

    At approximately 10:55AM, dial 1-800-442-5794. When prompted, enter pass code 656886#. 

    Listen to Previous Calls & View Our Call Calendar

    All Spiritual Outreach Calls are recorded and uploaded to the website within one week. Click here to listen to previous Spiritual Outreach Calls and view our calendar of all upcoming calls.

    If you have our mobile app downloaded and notifications turned on, we’ll be sending out a notification right before the call begins as a final reminder. To learn more about our mobile app and push notifications, click here.

    11:00 am Spiritual Outreach Calls
    Spiritual Outreach Call: Why Do We Say the Daily Prayer of the Order of Malta?

    Hosted by Rev. Msgr. William Fadrowski, ChM

    At approximately 10:55AM, dial 1-800-442-5794. When prompted, enter pass code 656886#. 

    Listen to Previous Calls & View Our Call Calendar

    All Spiritual Outreach Calls are recorded and uploaded to the website within one week. Click here to listen to previous Spiritual Outreach Calls and view our calendar of all upcoming calls.

    If you have our mobile app downloaded and notifications turned on, we’ll be sending out a notification right before the call begins as a final reminder. To learn more about our mobile app and push notifications, click here.

    11:00 am Spiritual Outreach Calls
    Spiritual Outreach Call: Our Commitment as Knights and Dames - Witness the Faith and Serve the Sick and the Poor

    Hosted by Rev. Joseph Cavoto, ChM

    At approximately 10:55AM, dial 1-800-442-5794. When prompted, enter pass code 656886#. 

    Listen to Previous Calls & View Our Call Calendar

    All Spiritual Outreach Calls are recorded and uploaded to the website within one week. Click here to listen to previous Spiritual Outreach Calls and view our calendar of all upcoming calls.

    If you have our mobile app downloaded and notifications turned on, we’ll be sending out a notification right before the call begins as a final reminder. To learn more about our mobile app and push notifications, click here.

    11:00 am Spiritual Outreach Calls
    Spiritual Outreach Call: Why Do We Venerate Relics?

    Hosted by Rev. Daniel Tuite, ChD

    At approximately 10:55AM, dial 1-800-442-5794. When prompted, enter pass code 656886#. 

    Listen to Previous Calls & View Our Call Calendar

    All Spiritual Outreach Calls are recorded and uploaded to the website within one week. Click here to listen to previous Spiritual Outreach Calls and view our calendar of all upcoming calls.

    If you have our mobile app downloaded and notifications turned on, we’ll be sending out a notification right before the call begins as a final reminder. To learn more about our mobile app and push notifications, click here.

    11:00 am Spiritual Outreach Calls
    Spiritual Outreach Call: The Gospel of Matthew

    Hosted by Rev. Mr. John Shea, ChDD

    At approximately 10:55AM, dial 1-800-442-5794. When prompted, enter pass code 656886#. 

    Listen to Previous Calls & View Our Call Calendar

    All Spiritual Outreach Calls are recorded and uploaded to the website within one week. Click here to listen to previous Spiritual Outreach Calls and view our calendar of all upcoming calls.

    If you have our mobile app downloaded and notifications turned on, we’ll be sending out a notification right before the call begins as a final reminder. To learn more about our mobile app and push notifications, click here.

    11:00 am Spiritual Outreach Calls
    Spiritual Outreach Call: A Catholic Perspective on Thanksgiving

    Hosted by Rev. Alfredo Hernandez, ChD

    At approximately 10:55AM, dial 1-800-442-5794. When prompted, enter pass code 656886#. 

    Listen to Previous Calls & View Our Call Calendar

    All Spiritual Outreach Calls are recorded and uploaded to the website within one week. Click here to listen to previous Spiritual Outreach Calls and view our calendar of all upcoming calls.

    If you have our mobile app downloaded and notifications turned on, we’ll be sending out a notification right before the call begins as a final reminder. To learn more about our mobile app and push notifications, click here.

    11:00 am Spiritual Outreach Calls
    Spiritual Outreach Call: Christmas- A Marvelous Exchange

    Hosted by Rev. Msgr. Frank Caldwell, ChM

    At approximately 10:55AM, dial 1-800-442-5794. When prompted, enter pass code 656886#. 

    Listen to Previous Calls & View Our Call Calendar

    All Spiritual Outreach Calls are recorded and uploaded to the website within one week. Click here to listen to previous Spiritual Outreach Calls and view our calendar of all upcoming calls.

    If you have our mobile app downloaded and notifications turned on, we’ll be sending out a notification right before the call begins as a final reminder. To learn more about our mobile app and push notifications, click here.

    11:00 am Spiritual Outreach Calls
    Spiritual Outreach Call: New Year’s Resolutions to Enrich Your Faith

    At approximately 10:55AM, dial 1-800-442-5794. When prompted, enter pass code 656886#. 

    Listen to Previous Calls & View Our Call Calendar

    All Spiritual Outreach Calls are recorded and uploaded to the website within one week. Click here to listen to previous Spiritual Outreach Calls and view our calendar of all upcoming calls.

    If you have our mobile app downloaded and notifications turned on, we’ll be sending out a notification right before the call begins as a final reminder. To learn more about our mobile app and push notifications, click here.

    11:00 am Spiritual Outreach Calls
    Spiritual Outreach Call: How Is Marriage A Vocation?

    Hosted by Rev. Ian Jeremiah, ChM

    At approximately 10:55AM, dial 1-800-442-5794. When prompted, enter pass code 656886#. 

    Listen to Previous Calls & View Our Call Calendar

    All Spiritual Outreach Calls are recorded and uploaded to the website within one week. Click here to listen to previous Spiritual Outreach Calls and view our calendar of all upcoming calls.

    If you have our mobile app downloaded and notifications turned on, we’ll be sending out a notification right before the call begins as a final reminder. To learn more about our mobile app and push notifications, click here.

    Order of Malta

    American Association, U.S.A
    St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
    14 E 51st Street
    New York, NY 10022
    (212) 371-1522